CLL Live

Education is key for patients and their loved ones to be true partners in their treatment. CLL Live conferences provide participants with an opportunity to hear from leading experts in CLL research and care from around the world who volunteer their time to speak at our conferences. As a result, conference attendees are better informed and equipped to ask their healthcare team pertinent questions about their own treatment plan.

Participant evaluations indicate very high satisfaction with the information provided, the networking and fellowship, and the sense of hope gained.

CLL Live is provided free of charge to patients and caregivers as conference costs are covered by educational grants from sponsors. Participants do need to pay for their own accommodation and travel. The conferences are held in Niagara Falls.

CLL Live 2025


CLL Live 2018 Many Reasons for Hope

April 19-21, 2018 Hilton Niagara Falls Fallsview

CLL Live 2018 brought together 225 patients, caregivers, supporters, researchers and clinicians, with attendees from Canada, the United States, Lebanon and France. Participants learned about the latest therapies and new treatments in the pipeline. Feedback from patients was clear: there are many reasons for hope.

2018 faculty included: Drs. Thomas Kipps, Versha Banerji, Mathieu Crupi, Graeme Fraser (CLL Live Medical Chair), Spencer Gibson, Nicole Lamanna and Carolyn Owen as well as Stephanie Hubbard NP, Christina Russomanno NP, Erin Streu RN and patient advocates Marcyne Heinrichs, Andrew Schorr, Esther Schorr, Mark Silverstein and Lorna Warwick

Dr. Graeme Fraser, Stephanie Hubbard, Erin Streu (missing: Esther Schorr and Christina Russomanno)
Dr. Graeme Fraser, Stephanie Hubbard, Erin Streu (missing: Esther Schorr and Christina Russomanno)

CLL Live 2015 Recent Developments in CLL Treatments

European, American and Canadian Perspectives

April 21-24, 2015 Sheraton on the Falls

CLL Live 2015 brought together over 260 patients, caregivers and other supporters, with attendees from Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia. There was tremendous excitement about new therapies that allow doctors to further refine treatment to individual patient needs and increase durable remissions. Feedback from patients was overwhelmingly positive!

CLL Live 2015 visual
2015 presentation

CLL Live features leading CLL & SLL experts from North America and Europe.

2015 faculty included: : Dr. Leclair; Dr. Fraser; Dr. Mittmann; Dr. Lamanna; Ms. Streu, RN; Dr. Hallek; Dr. Keating.

You can watch CLL Live 2015 presentations on YouTube:


Clinical CLL/SLL 101
By Graeme Fraser, MD, FRCPC
Clinical Hematologist, Juravinski Cancer Centre, Hamilton Health Sciences


CLL/SLL and Evolution of Treatment
By James Johnston, MB, BCh, FRCPC Hematologist, CancerCare Manitoba


European Perspective on CLL
By Michael Hallek, MD
Chair, German CLL Study Group


American Perspective on CLL
By Michael J. Keating, MB, BS
President and CEO, CLL Global Research Foundation


Canadian Perspective on CLL Research
By Spencer Gibson, PhD
Scientific Chair, CLL Patient Advocacy Group


Pharma-Economic Implications of New Drug Treatments
By Nicole Mittmann, PhD
Executive Director, Health Outcomes and Pharmacoeconomics (HOPE) Research Centre, Sunnybrook Research Institute


Prognostic Testing
By Susan Leclair, PhD
Chancellor Professor of Medical Laboratory Science, Department of Medical Laboratory Science, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth,


Secondary Cancers
By Erin Streu, RN, MN, CON(C)
Clinical Nurse Specialist, CancerCare Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


When and How to Treat By Nicole Lamanna, MD
Hematologist/Oncologist, New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Cente


Hematology Panel
Panelists: Dr. Ronan Foley; Dr. James Johnston; Dr. Susan Leclair; Dr. Nicole Lamanna; Dr. Michael Keating; Dr. Spencer Gibson

A panel of physicians and scientists answered questions from participants at CLL Live 2015, April 24, 2015, Niagara Falls, Ontario.


Andrew Schorr, from Patient Power, interviewed some of our speakers. You can see those videos here:

Drs Fraser, Hallek and Keating web
Drs. LeClair, Mittmann, Lamanna and Erin Streau RN web
2012 visual

There were 220 attendees at CLL Live 2012, another crowd-pleasing event with excellent educational opportunities and networking.

The sessions included the following topics and speakers.

  • Global CLL Research by Dr. Micheal Keating (the keynote presentation), Professor of Medicine in Hematology, University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas; President & CEO of the CLL Global Research Foundation
  • Special presentation by Dr. Mathias Rummel, head of the Department for Hematology at the Clinic for Hematology and Medical Oncology at the Justus-Liebig University-Hospital, Giessen, Germany
  • Watch & Wait by Dr. Graeme Fraser, Hematologist, Juravinski Cancer Centre; Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Oncology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario
  • Stem Cell Transplantation by Dr. Stephen Couban, Service Chief and Interim Head of the Division of Hematology and Director of the Blood and Marrow Transplant Program, Capital District Health Authority, Halifax, Nova Scotia
  • Outcomes & Treatments for Older Patients by Dr. Joseph Flynn, Co-Director of the Division of Hematology, Artur G. James Cancer Hospital, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
  • Current Research in Canada by Dr. Spencer Gibson, Professor, University of Manitoba; Director of Translational Research, Manitoba Institute of Cell Biology, Winnipeg, Manitoba
  • Facing Therapy Decisions with Your Eyes Wide Open by Dr. Chaya Venkat, Chief Science Writer, CLL Topics, Sedona, AZ
  • Understanding Bloodwork by Dr. Susan Leclair, Chancellor Professor, Department of Medical Laboratory Science, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Dartmouth, Massachusetts
  • We also had sessions on nutrition, a doctor panel, and a patient panel.
  • Andrew Schorr, from Patient Power, interviewed some of our speakers. You can see those videos here:

We also had the opportunity to remember Dr. Terry Hamblin, a dedicated supporter of CLL Live and the CLL community at large, who sadly passed away in January, 1012.

Please watch this video >>

CLL Live 2009: Trends in Treating CLL

Sheraton Fallsview – April 24-25, 2009

Our second conference was another success, with 307 participants joining us in Niagara Falls.

(click image to enlarge)

Presenters included:

  • Dr. Terry Hamblin, Consultant Haematologist, Bournemouth; Professor of Immunohaematology, Southampton, UK
  • Dr. Bill Wierda, Hematologist-Oncologist, Associate Professor of Medicine, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas
  • Dr. Neil Kay, Professor, Department of Medicine, Hematology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota
  • Dr. Joseph Flynn, Director of Clinical Operations, Hematology, Artur G. James Cancer Hospital, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
  • Dr. Susan Leclair, Chancellor Professor, Department of Medical Laboratory Science, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Dartmouth, Massachusetts
  • Dr. Robert Robetorye, Assistant Professor, University of Texas Health Sciences Centre, Pathology, San Antonio, Texas
  • Dr. Ronan Foley, Hematologist, Jurvinski Cancer Centre; Chair, Clinical Network of the Canadian Bone Marrow Transplant Group (CBMTG), Hamilton, Ontario
  • Dr. Spencer Gibson, Professor, University of Manitoba; Director of Translational Research, Manitoba Institute of Cell Biology, Winnipeg, Manitoba
  • Dr. David Spaner, Hematologist, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre; Professor, Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario
  • Dr. Graeme Fraser, Hematologist, Juravinski Cancer Centre; Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Oncology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario
  • Dr. Brian Leber, Professor of Medicine and Laboratory and Molecular Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON
  • Dr. Chaya Venkat, Chief Science Writer, CLL Topics, Sedona, AZ

CLL Live 2007: Trends in Treating CLL

White Oaks Resort – April 20-21, 2007

The inaugural CLL Live surpassed all of our expectations. It marked the first major patient-initiated and patient-run conference in North America. Even though putting on a conference for over 225 participants from Canada and the USA was a lot of hard work, the overwhelmingly positive feedback from attendees made it all worthwhile and inspired CLL Canada to host future conferences.

(click image to enlarge)

Presenters included:

  • Dr. Terry Hamblin, Consultant Haematologist, Bournemouth; Professor of Immunohaematology, Southampton, UK
  • Dr. John Byrd, Director, Hematologic Malignacies Program, James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute, Columbus, Ohio
  • Dr. Susan Leclair, Chancellor Professor, Department of Medical Laboratory Science, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Dartmouth, Massachusetts
  • Dr. Ronan Foley, Hematologist, Jurvinski Cancer Centre; Chair, Clinical Network of the Canadian Bone Marrow Transplant Group (CBMTG), Hamilton, Ontario
  • Dr. Graeme Fraser, Hematologist, Juravinski Cancer Centre, Hamilton, Ontario
  • Dr. Stephen Sagar, Radiation Oncologist, Juravinski Cancer Centre, Hamilton, Ontario
    Laura Cleveland, Patient and Patient Advocate, Columbus, Ohio

You can watch the 2018 presentations and panels on YouTube:

Welcome and overview

Dr. Graeme Fraser MD, FRCPC
Clinical Hematologist, Juravinski Cancer Centre, Hamilton Health Sciences

Dr. Graeme Fraser
Dr. Graeme Fraser

Patient Panel

Marcyne Heinrichs, Andrew Schorr, Mark Silverstein, Lorna Warwick – moderated by Deborah Baker

Patient Panel
Patients Panel - Andrew Schorr, Lorna Warwick, Mark Silverstein, Marcyne Heinrich, Deborah Baker (moderator)

Doctors Panel

Drs. Thomas Kipps,  Versha Banerji,  Mathieu Crupi, Spencer Gibson, Nicole Lamanna and Carolyn Owen – moderated by Dr. Graeme Fraser (CLL Live Medical Chair)

Doctors Panel
Doctors Panel - Graeme Fraser (moderator), Thomas Kipps, Spencer Gibson, Carolyn Owen, Versha Banerji, Mathieu Crupi, Nicole Lamanna

CLL 101

Dr. Nicole Lamanna, MD

Hematologist/Oncologist, New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center


When and How to Treat

Dr. Nicole Lamanna,MD

Hematologist/Oncologist, New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center

Dr. Nicole Lamanna
Dr. Nicole Lamanna

Prognostic Markers and Implications for Treatment

Dr. Carolyn Owen, MD

Associate Professor in the Division of Hematology & Hematological Malignancies, University of Calgary

Dr. Carolyn Owen
Dr. Carolyn Owen

What’s in the Pipeline

Dr. Thomas Kipps

Professor of Medicine, UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center.

Dr. Thomas Kipps
Dr. Thomas Kipps

The CLL Cluster Initiative

Dr. Spencer Gibson

Head of Cell Biology, Research Institute in Oncology and Hematology, University of Manitoba

Dr. Spencer Gibson
Dr. Spencer Gibson

New Choices in Current CLL Treatment

Dr. Versha Banerji, MD

Hematologist, Department of Hematology & Oncology, CancerCare Manitoba

Dr. Versha Banerji
Dr. Versha Banerji

CAR-T in Canada

Dr. Mathieu Crupi

Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre for Innovative Cancer Research, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

Dr. Mathieu Crupi
Dr. Mathieu Crupi

Self-care and Secondary Cancers

Erin Streu RN, MN, CON(C)
Clinical Nurse Specialist, CancerCare Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Erin Streu, RN
Erin Streu, RN